Customer Viral Growth Proposal for:
The Curry Counter

Leeds Road - Harrogate

This webpage is not in the public domain - it is for your eyes only
I am reaching out to see if you would be interested in

Good to meet you! =)
The Curry Counter
gain more local brand visibility
gain more Social Media engagement from local residents
gain more NEW customers from the local area
Quick introduction:
Hi, my name is Ken Peacock
Owner of Biz Buzzio Digital Solutions | Harrogate, UK
Thanks for visiting this webpage which is dedicated to helping
The Curry Counter
the ONLY Indian Takeaway in Harrogate on this new platform
on a brand new online platform
with an engaged and responsive audience of local residents
If you can spare a few minutes, I will explain how this would work.
Feel free to WhatsApp message me with any questions
YES - The Curry Counter could secure an exclusive position
Are you interested in:
more customers?
more sales?
more profits?
Did you know your excellent food has the power to establish all 3 of the above?

If you are willing to give a little of your amazing food away each month for FREE
but in a way that you probably have not considered before!
Give a little > Gain a LOT

Let's say you offer up a prize to ONE winner who receives:
One meal for TWO
One time per MONTH
For 12 consecutive months (ONE YEAR)
Then you can legitimately offer the prize of:
Win FREE Dining
You will have created a promotion which is:
Attention Grabbing
High Value Perception
Low Cost to Honour
Every local Harrogate resident who enjoys delicious curry dishes,
Well in much the same way as your Take Away business might have some special recipes that you keep to yourselves.
I have a 'Secret Sauce' to spice up a food Giveaway like this.
To give it some 'kick' you might say =)
Don't worry - you won't be giving away the whole kitchen!

The Sweepstakes Contest Giveaway encourages local residents to take specified 'Actions'
Actions such as:
Like or Follow your business Facebook page
Follow your business on any Social Media
Join your Loyalty Club

The Secret Sauce is to offer the Prize of:
But the most powerful 'Action' is referring friends
>>> which gives participants more Sweepstakes Contest entries
>>> more chances to WIN
High Value Perception, Attention Grabbing Prize
combined with
Ethical Viral Sharing Incentives
to deliver an
Engaged Local Audience
at Low Cost
would be super happy to win a free meal each month, for a whole year from The Curry Counter
for a Year!
So how would this promotion work in the real world you may be wondering?
Win FREE Dining for a Year! as a
FREE for residents of Harrogate District to enter
Promoted on local Social Media
Powered by ethically driven Viral Incentive
Sweepstakes Contest Giveaway!
This is Viral Sharing by an ethical incentive
So in a nutshell . . .
Sounds good so far?

So I'm no Albert Einstein -
but I did a little thinking and had something of a brainwave!
What if the combined power of these TWO proven successful audience growth strategies . . .
was amplified across multiple businesses
1. Win FREE Product for a Year!
2. Viral Sweepstakes Giveaway
ALL at the same time
You see, many types of local businesses fit this prize model
Local Bakery
Win FREE Baked Goods for a Year!
Local Pub
Win FREE Beer for a Year!
Local Electronics shop
Win FREE Electronics for a Year!
Sporting Goods shop
Win FREE Sporting Goods for a Year!
Local Spa
Win FREE Massage for a Year!
Local Fish & Chip shop
Win FREE Fish & Chips for a Year!
Local Desserts Takeaway
Win FREE Desserts for a Year!

*Individual businesses will be able to adapt the prize to suit their respective product
Local Confectioner
Win FREE Chocolates for a Year!
Local Coffee Shop
Win FREE Coffee for a Year!
Local Chinese restaurant
Win FREE Chinese dining for a Year!
Local British restaurant
Win FREE Yorkshire Pudding Dinners for a Year!
Local Greek restaurant
Win FREE Greek dining for a Year!
Local Indian restaurant
Win FREE Indian dining for a Year!
Local Italian restaurant
Win FREE Italian dining for a Year!
Local Steak restaurant
Win Free Steak dining for a Year!
Local Sushi restaurant
Win FREE Sushi for a Year!
Local Thai restaurant
Win FREE Thai dining for a Year!
Local Turkish restaurant
Win FREE Turkish dining for a Year!
Local Wine bar
Win FREE Wine for a Year!
Local Farm Shop
Win FREE Produce for a Year!
Local Furniture shop
Win FREE Furniture for a Year!
Local Garden Centre
Win FREE Plants for a Year!
Local Gift Shop
Win FREE Gifts for a Year!
Local Health shop
Win FREE Wellness products for a Year!
Local Jewellery shop
Win FREE Jewellery for a Year!
Local Pet shop
Win FREE Pet Supplies for a Year!
Local Shoe shop
Win FREE Footwear for a Year!
Local Toy shop
Win FREE Toys for a Year!
Local Barbershop
Win FREE Haircuts for a Year!
Local Cosmetics Clinic
Win FREE Treatments for a Year!
Local Gym
Win FREE Membership for a Year!
Local Hair Salon
Win FREE Hairstyling for a Year!
Local Nail Salon
Win FREE Nails for a Year!
Local Tanning Salon
Win FREE Treatments for a Year!
Local Yoga Class
Win FREE Yoga Classes for a Year!
Local Bowling Alley
Win FREE Bowling for a Year!
Local Golf Course
Win FREE Golf for a Year!
Local Theatre
Win FREE Theatre tickets for a Year!
Local Burger Bar
Win FREE Burger and Fries for a Year!
Local Chinese Takeaway
Win FREE Chinese Takeaway for a Year!
Local Indian Takeaway
Win FREE Indian Takeaway for a Year!
Local Kebab shop
Win FREE Kebabs for a Year!
Local Pizza Takeaway
Win FREE Pizza Takeaway for a Year!
Local Florist
Win FREE Flowers for a Year!
Local Cake Maker
Win FREE Cupcakes for a Year!

Local Butcher Shop
Win FREE Meat for a Year!

Multiple business participation will launch this idea of:
Local Business Supporters Club - Harrogate District
A broad variety of local businesses ALL offering their version of this high value perception prize
You can imagine the buzz on local Social Media, during a month long launch campaign.
Boost your business local visibility
Spotlight your excellent food in front of an engaged and responsive audience of local residents
Gain more exposure and interaction on your Social Media
Position your establishment in front of new customers
Block out the local direct competition
If you're interested to position The Curry Counter
onto Local Business Supporters Club - Harrogate District
But I hear you say - 'I don't want to be in a Sweepstakes Giveaway with my direct local competition!'
Yes - I hear you - and for this reason there will only be ONE Indian takeaway on the promotion servicing the Harrogate area.
You would have EXCLUSIVE position in this promotion for Harrogate.
But you must be the FIRST to put up your hand.
Once the position is LOCKED IN by one of your local competitors then it becomes UNAVAILABLE.
Just fill out the form below with your information.
Get your foot in the door before your direct local competitors lock YOU out.
More details will be provided after you secure the spot.
Thanks for taking the time to review this proposal and initiative.
I look forward to connecting with you - but don't delay!
There is only ONE position for your business category of:
Indian Takeaway - Harrogate